Mis on Nou Pois Äläud & why this dance camp?
Tagasiside /// feedback from NPÄ I:
Absolutely phenomenal workshop!!! Enjoyed every minute of it! Very well organized, great instructors, warm and friendly atmosphere, great food, even the little luuletused at meal times are cheerful and hear warming! Can’t wait to go back this year!
Warm and wonderful gathering of women of all ages, shapes and sizes from many places: outdoors; folk dance challenges; wonderful instructors; good food and a sense of community.
-Reet M. Toronto
-Julia B., Ottawa
I loved the first Estonian women folk dance camp. I was hesitant to travel all the way from Boston(US) to Canada not knowing what to expect but I'm glad I did. Amazing part is that it was taught by one of the best dance instructors from Estonia in Estonian language. I was able to connect with many and made lasting friendships. Food was unbelievably good and hats off to the chef!!!
I loved it so much that I formed a dance group in the Boston area with 14 lovely ladies who enjoy dancing. Can't wait to attend the next one! Thank you Toronto folks for being a great host!​
Great weekend of bonding with esto women of different generations, who enjoy dancing. Instructors adapted where needed, creating a positive experience for all. The food was excellent and the cost for the weekend, very reasonable.
- Mari T., Greenwich, CT
This event got me totally out of my comfort zone through something really enjoyable. Thank you to all who organized and helped with this event. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Monika P., Toronto
Airi T., Boston
If you're thinking about attending for the first time this September, and answer "correct!" to any or all of the below questions, Nou Pois Äläud is for you! Dance with other 'vinged naised' for the weekend // Miks naiste rahvatantsulaager? "Naiste vägi ja naistevägi" (tsiteerides NPÄ I osalise kokkuvõtvat hinnangut).
Do you love to dance, or want to give it a go?
Is a weekly rehearsal schedule all year a challenge to manage?
No rahvatants in your area, mixed pairs or otherwise?
FOMO if you miss out being part of a group of women with a joint mission?
All too few Estonians in your area?
Not into mixed-pairs tantsimine?
Relish the thought of a women's weekend of good food, camaraderie, movement?
Instructors from Eesti will whip us into shape for all of the reasons in the testimonials, and we'll put 'Naiste Tantsupidu 2027' into our sights. NPÄ registrants ranged in age from 18-80!
'No Pois Äläud' is a safe space for all women, 18+ with no upper limit on age or number of knee or hip replacements, non-binary and female-identifying welcome. // Kõik naised 18+ teretulnud, kas originaal või tehispõlv või -puus.
See Naiste Tantsupidu on Facebook for inspiration
Questions: estonianartscentre@estoniancentre.ca